Scripted by Goldman and Vaughn, Kick-Ass brought to the screen the wild story of Dave Lizewski, an ordinary Manhattan teenager who sets out to become a real-life superhero. Donning a green-and-yellow wet suit and calling himself Kick-Ass, he captures the imagination of the public and becomes an online phenomenon.

Twenty-four hours after its release, “Kick-Ass 2, Issue 1” sold out, and the “Hit Girl” companion title has since become the most popular comic book with a female lead in more than a decade. The first two chapters of the “Kick-Ass 3” series are currently in release, completing the trilogy and bringing Dave Lizewski’s story to an exciting finish later this year.
While a sequel was always a finger-crossed hope, it had actually been four years since the original cast made Kick-Ass.
As he crafted the story, director Jeff Wadlow wanted Kick-Ass 2 to give fans another chance to see three characters that they fell in love with, to see how they have grown and how they will continue to change. The writer/director reflects: “I hope it resonates with audiences because it’s not just a retread of the first movie. It’s not one of those sequels that says, ‘Hey! Remember how much you loved the first movie? Well, here’s another version of that.‘”
Kick-Ass wouldn’t be half the hero he is without Hit Girl, and no sequel would begin production without her in the mix. Imagined by book creato Mark Millar as a tribute to his eldest daughter, Hit Girl has struck a chord with readers since her introduction and grown exponentially in popularity. The young woman who brought her to life, Chloë Grace Moretz, has been working up a storm— earning critical acclaim.
Shooting for Kick-Ass 2 began in Toronto, which doubled for New York, in fall 2012. Approximately a month after the start of principal photography, the unit relocated to the U.K. to shoot at Pinewood Studios, with some locations work in London. Most notably, the team shot on Denmark Street, aka “Tin Pan Alley,” famous for its iconic music stores and venues.
Exterior sequences of the Justice Forever team fighting crime were shot in downtown Toronto. These film ing days drew attention from the public and paparazzi alike, as the team—led by Colonel Stars and Stripes—patrolled the streets looking to do good deeds and to vanquish villains.
Twenty-four hours after its release, “Kick-Ass 2, Issue 1” sold out, and the “Hit Girl” companion title has since become the most popular comic book with a female lead in more than a decade. The first two chapters of the “Kick-Ass 3” series are currently in release, completing the trilogy and bringing Dave Lizewski’s story to an exciting finish later this year.
Kick-Ass 2 stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Chloë Grace Moretz and Jim Carrey.